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Kickstart or Reinvent Your Career with the Career Academy Success Program
If you’re an EzyLearn student who has enrolled in our Xero, Excel (and Microsoft Office), MYOB or Digital Marketing online training courses since January 1st, 2013, you are entitled to receive access to our Career Academy Career Success Program to help you find work and apply for jobs.
The Career Academy Success Program is a detailed guide that has been prepared with experienced Career Counsellors that takes you through the steps you need to take to start getting paid for the new skills you have acquired.
How to get the job you want
The Career Success Program and Career Academy Workbook contains real-life case study examples, checklists and questions you can answer to improve your self-confidence and narrow down the list of jobs you ideally want and are suited to.
We provide you with insight into what employers are looking for and what skills and attributes you can hone that will make you more employable.
See other services offered as part of the Career Academy
Careers advice
Many of our students undertake our online training courses because they are
- starting their careers,
- contemplating changing careers or
- want further career advancement.
The Career Academy Success Program includes a downloadable workbook which sets out the career options available in Australia, where the work is and what you can do to give yourself the best chance of employment in a new career.
It shows you how to create a personalised Career Plan, as brief or detailed as you like, to keep you on track.
See other services offered as part of the Career Academy
The employment & job seeking process
The Career Academy Workbook outlines the process that job seekers go through to find a new job, namely:
- Creating, updating and fleshing out a professional resume — including how to provide relevant and demonstrable examples
- Understanding what YOU are seeking in this job and what other factors are important to you (for example, work-life balance or managing competing priorities in your life with your work, looking at what opportunities there are for career development etc.)
- Realising the future opportunities for growth available in selected industries
- How to write covering letters and emails that will stand out and show off some of your personality while still remaining professional
There is also:
- How to effectively research the business or employer before making phone contact
- How to conduct yourself in a telephone job interview
- How to present yourself at a face-to-face interview for a job
- Tips from employers about what they look for in job candidates
- How to negotiate a salary package
- Tips on how to get off to the best start in your new job.
See other services offered as part of the Career Academy
Demystifying the job search process
Looking for a new job is not something any of us do all that often. It is particularly daunting if you have been out of the workforce for several years for whatever reason — including raising a family, caring for an elderly or sick relative, redundancy, or recovering from illness or injury.
Many people, even if they’ve been in constant employment, are unfamiliar with how much the job seeking landscape has changed with the internet and advent of LinkedIn and other social media, not only for advertising jobs but for advertising oneself.
The way people search for jobs is changing all the time and many people use a combination of methods to find work and get in contact with prospective employers.
The Career Academy outlines some of these methods and their effectiveness; including gleaning the job websites and newspapers, the power of LinkedIn, using a recruitment agency and attending network events and using referrals.
Our Career Academy gives you clear advice on how to win work and find a job that will suit you and your circumstances.
See other services offered as part of the Career Academy
The Career Academy Course Refresher
One of our most popular Career Academy services is the Course Refresher.
Enrol into any COMPLETE training Course and you can join the Career Academy Course Refresher and get ongoing access for a low annual fee of just $39!
Bookkeepers, BAS Agents and Accountants especially like the Course Refresher membership when they enrol into Bookkeeping Academy Training course packages because they get ongoing support for the complete beginners to advanced level skills in how to use
- MYOB AccountRight
- MYOB Business Pro (previously called MYOB Essentials),
- Xero, and
- QuickBooks Online.
Learn more about the Career Academy Course Refresher membership
Have some ideas for our Career Academy?
We invite you to get in touch if you have other content you’d like to see. Let us draw on our industry experience and do the research and interviewing to provide you with more relevant, high quality, educational material.
Study Planner (included for every student)
Enrolling into a new training course will help you get new knowledge and skills but for most people this means studying while they are bringing up a family or while they are working so it’s important to have good time management skills.
Many EzyLearn students choose online training courses because they can choose to study whenever they have a spare moment – at night, on weekends, during the day – and they can study in small blocks of time like an hour or two rather than have to block out a full or half day.
Learn more about the Career Academy study tools included for EVERY student
LIFELONG Learning Hub (included for every student)
The Career Academy success program is now available to ALL current and past EzyLearn students (from Jan 2013) who’ve ever done a course with EzyLearn. There are a number of skills that every job seeker, employee or business owner MUST know and be confident with and these resources are available as part of our LIFELONG Learning Hub.
- These skills include Data Entry training course with Microsoft Word and Excel
- Presentation and graphic design basics using Microsoft PowerPoint
- Basic Beginners Bookkeeping and Accounting skills
Learn more at the LIFELONG Learning Hub
The Career Academy Services Available
Other services we offer include the Career Academy
- Course Refresher
- Resume Review,
- Job Application Review,
- Job Getter and,
- Bookkeeping Academy services to help students start their own bookkeeping business.
See all the Career Academy Services available for Ezylearn Students
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