Accreditation by Bookkeeping Industry Associations

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Bookkeeping Industry Associations

Bookkeeping industry accredited accreditation associations companiesSOME TRAINING COMPANIES claim to be “certified” and “accredited” by various bookkeeping industry associations. Other training companies claim to be certified by international “accreditation organisations” some of which you may have never heard of.

EzyLearn has been an accredited training provider of the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers from 2012 until 2018. There are a number of nationally accredited training organisations and industry accredited training organisations. It’s good to check how these organisations ensure the quality and standards of the courses they are accrediting.

Although bookkeeping and accounting industry associations generally help their members with the various compliance requirements imposed by government departments, it is not mandatory to join them. These industry associations are not-for-profit and they need to adhere to the strict standards of the Tax Practitioners Board. Industry associations:

  • create their own technical publications
  • create and deliver courses for continuing professional development
  • hold seminars providing local networking opportunities and moral support
  • can help you stand out from your competitors by licensing the use of their logo and membership

EzyLearn’s course contributors are people working today within the accounting and bookkeeping industries and almost all of our course contributors are members of various industry organisations.

The TPB’s list of approved Bookkeeping Industry Associations

The Tax Practitioners Board publish a list of approved Industry Association organisations and here’s some information about the best known bookkeeping industry associations:

Association of Accounting Technicians

Association of Accounting Technicians industry association for Registered BAS Agents since 2010This association was one of the first to be approved in Australia and claims to be:

“The country’s largest professional body in the accounting / finance / bookkeeping sector and continues to have the support of the three professional bodies in CPA Australia, the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia and the Institute of Public Accountants.”

Read more about Association of Accounting Technicians

Member structure and levels

Member subscription rates

Online membership form


Institute of Certified Bookkeepers (ICB)

Bookkeeping courses in MYOB, Xero & Intuit Quickbooks - Accredited MemberWhen the Australian bookkeeping market began the process of regulation, a UK-based organisation came to Australia as part of that regulation — the ICB.

When ICB entered the Australian market, they offered a “Partner Program” where organisations, like EzyLearn, could join as an “Accredited Training Provider” for approximately $1200 per year. By extension, our students could also become “Student Members” of the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers for free, which was actually a nominal saving from the fairly small retail price of joining.

EzyLearn was an Accredited Training Provider with the ICB for 6 years from the beginning of 2012 until 2018. We made the decision to cease paying our annual accreditation fees late February 2018.

Read more about becoming a Certified Bookkeeper

Australian Bookkeepers Association, ABN, Austbook industry association for registered BAS Agent using Xero, MYOB, QuickBooks logo 2

Australian Bookkeepers’ Association & Australian Bookkeeper Network

One of the very first bookkeeping industry associations, this group combines membership at a very low price or as part of a membership of their Bookkeepers Network for a low monthly fee. Features of joining this group include:

  • Access to technical publications written just for bookkeepers
  • Local support networking meetups
  • Regular Bulletins and Newsletter
  • A business building program called “Pillars of Public Practice”

Learn more about their low annual membership fee

Learn more about their pay by the month Bookkeepers Network


Become a Certified Bookkeeper

What our students say:

Trish Darby experienced bookkeeper EzyLearn testimonial review

I found the EzyLearn Xero course great — a comprehensive step-by-step learning tool to add to my resume and a new tool to use in my Bookkeeping Practice.”

— Patricia Darby
Registered BAS Agent and Bookkeeper, High Quality Bookkeeping