Beginners Certificate in Xero Accounting

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Xero’s financial report reveals BIG loss but share price pop. -

About a year ago from Steve Slisar's Twitter via Mailchimp

Xero Skills Training for Office Support & Junior Bookkeeping Jobs

The Xero Beginners Certificate Training Course is designed to give you the skills to perform transactions and entries that normally occur daily within a business. Our Xero Beginners Course includes business tasks performed by both a

  • Professional services business, and
  • a products and services provider such as a plumber, builder, pest control, installer etc.

This Xero Accounting Training & Support package includes:


Xero Training Course 1: Setup and configuration

  • Setup and configuration of the
  • chart of accounts and
  • company preferences.


Xero Training Course 2: Daily Transactions & Credit Management

You’ll go through a typical day and cycle in a business, including:

  • Purchasing stock items
  • Waiting for delivery
  • Receiving partial deliveries
  • Making part payments
  • Exploring payables reporting (A/P)
  • Quoting customers
  • Converting quotes to orders
  • converting quote to invoices
  • receiving pre and part payments
  • Exploring Receivables reports (A/R)
  • Managing inventory
  • Inventory reporting


Xero Training Course 3: Monthly Bank Reconciliation and Financial Reporting

  • Enter transactions not entered by staff
  • exploring bank feeds
  • Reconciling
  • Looking at monthly reports like P/L, Balance sheet
  • Journal entries


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Xero Course Real World Case Studies

All Xero Training Courses are based on real world scenarios and in the Xero Beginners Certificate Course one of the results from your purchases and other data entry is to explore what inventory you have on file. The business example we use is a VoIP telephone system installer who purchases and keeps in stock the most common VoIP Handsets, Consoles and Adaptors and sells those to lots of different sized businesses.

We use the information from a VoIP Telephone Systems supplier because our CEO was involved in that business for a short time. It is very similar to a plumbing business, electrical business and most other trades which keep an inventory of regular items that they know they’ll use at most customers and enables you to explore the functionality for your business or a typical client.

Learn more about our Micro Courses and Case Studies