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People with Skills or Goals

bookkeepers wanted for work opportunities UK bookkeeping experienceWelcome to our Wanted section.

A GREAT MANY students contact us because they want to learn new software and skills, and develop new experiences. To this end, part of our job is to make sure we have the right team to fulfil our students’ needs. We use a number of different methods to find team members and we prefer to work with independent contractors and in particular remote contractors.

This section of our website is just another way for us to find the best person for each role. If you think you fit the bill for one of these opportunities please respond accordingly.



bookkeeper wanted for MYOB or Xero for property management businessBookkeeper: With Property Management Experience

From time to time we have enquiries from property investors and would-be investors wanting to understand the various aspects of managing an investment property portfolio.

If you have had experience in this area, whether for an individual investor, property investment company or a real estate agency, please send your resume via email to our support site.


Real Estate Agent: We are writing a short course about open houses

If you’re an experienced real estate agent, we’d like to work with you to create a short course or case study about the steps and processes involved in managing opening a home for prospective buyers to take a look and ask questions. You will be featured in our course.



Zions Systems Manual Timesheet and employee record for staff roster - what about PAYG, Super etc Payroll Course MYOB, Xero, QuickbooksHairdressing or Beauty Business Owner: Rostering & Staff Timesheets: Cafe, Hairdressing Salon or Beauty Business

Our Payroll Courses for MYOB, Xero and Quickbooks (which is in development) help small businesses manage the processing of their payroll and superannuation and other compliance requirements. While we’re creating the Quickbooks Payroll Course, we’re exploring an additional, more advanced case study to solve this problem affecting most businesses. As part of the business process review, members of our team will make contact and explore the best way to solve this problem for your business.

If you’re interested in participating, you should know that we will not disclose any private and confidential information relating to your business. We simply want to create a case study scenario using fictitious names, but following a process that will help you.

Register your interest for an EzyLearn Review



International Bookkeeper with Experience Bookkeeping in the United Kingdom

We are currently creating bookkeeping training courses for software like Sage One, as well as the UK Versions of Xero and Intuit QuickBooks, and we would like to speak with bookkeepers who have UK experience. Key topics include how tax is collected and treated, paid and processed, for aspects like VAT and Payroll so that our students can learn how to process tax and Payroll taxes in the UK.

To express your interest, please register your details in our Bookkeeper Talent Pool. (Once you have completed this, please send a reply email so our support team can escalate it to EzyLearn Admin.)

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