Video Marketing

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Video Marketing

video marketing Youtube real estate agents and Facebook social mediaVIDEO MARKETING IS a powerful marketing method. Videos can keep visitors at your website and Facebook page for longer and they can be more engaging than written text. We’ve been using video marketing since the early 2000’s when we first offered training videos for students at our bricks and mortar training centres.

Creating videos, serving videos and displaying videos

To some people, the mere thought of creating, uploading and displaying videos on a website is highly daunting; indeed it’s often the simple act of inserting a video into a website as a blog or a page that is confusing. To this end, we’ve created a series of videos that explain every step of the process — which, incidentally, is made much easier these days with mobile phones.

Wistia video marketing training course and social media video analytics logoOur WordPress Course teaches you how to insert video into your website and we also explain some of the powerful reasons to use a professional video hosting service like Wistia.

At EzyLearn, we prefer Wistia because of their fantastic analytics; that said, most people are familiar with Youtube which is free.

Using YouTube for Video Marketing

Youtube video marketing course logoYouTube is a video hosting platform and a social network for people who want to share videos and Like and Comment on them. It’s a great way to get your videos online quickly so anyone can discover them but you’re faced with some big operational decisions like:

  • Does it matter if viewers watch a competitor’s video after watching mine?
  • Will YouTube Analytics give me enough information to help me improve what I create?
  • What if someone writes negative feedback?

In our course we include how to create a YouTube Channel, the benefits of having people like your videos (helps with traffic when you upload future videos) and the level of detail provided in YouTube viewer analytics. For commercial reasons, people (say, like real estate agents) use alternative video hosting services like Wistia because they don’t display links to competitors’ videos. Hosting services like Wistia also provide far superior analytics.


Watch some free training videos from our WordPress Course

EzyLearn Online Training Course Free Samples for Microsoft Excel, Word, Xero, MYOB and moreA fascinating concept of building websites is the ability to “embed” things like videos, forms, audio etc. Through our Digital Marketing Agency partners, virion, we have had first hand experience helping businesses use WordPress, Video Marketing, SEO, Email Marketing, Social Media marketing and every other conceivable method of online marketing and here are just some essential videos to help you understand:

  • how WordPress websites are laid out and what each element is called, plus
  • how to use Social Media Marketing at your WordPress website and finally,
  • how to embed educational Youtube videos into your site

Click here for FREE WordPress Training Course Videos


EzyLearn Social Media & Digital Marketing Training Course logo - smallVideo Marketing is just one of the courses in our Digital & Social Media Marketing Course

Just like our Microsoft Excel, Xero and MYOB Training courses we include every skill level is one massive all included course. Video marketing is just one of many aspects of digital, online marketing that are included in our Digital Marketing Course so you’ll not only learn about video marketing but also how to incorporate it into your website and how to measure video view and engagement analytics.

See what’s included with our Digital Marketing & Social Media Course.



Marketing Academy Training Courses in Facebook, WordPress, Google and Social Media & CPD for real estate agentsMarketing Courses Available Separately

Do you only want to do one of the marketing courses we offer and not all of them combined for a cheaper price? Visit our Marketing Academy and enrol only into the courses you need. The Marketing Academy Short Course Enrolment option provides you with targeted learning for a low cost and can also be used to earn Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points if you are a real estate agent, bookkeeper or accountant.

Visit the Marketing Academy