Free Microsoft Excel Beginners Course Training Video Tutorials

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Free Excel Training Course Videos

We have a handful of free videos and if you’re completely new to Microsoft Excel you may find this gives you amazing insight into the power of Excel and why so many people use spreadsheet programs. Click on the images below in order from left to right and then down to experience a sample training video section. The first video is further down this page.

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If you like what you see, make sure you register for the free Excel Beginners (course 301) workbook and exercise files and see how easy it is to learn Excel with EzyLearn!

Video 1 – Understanding the Excel Screen

If you are new to Microsoft Excel you may get thrown by the cell structure of what you see. This cell structure is what gives Excel (and spreadsheets in general) their calculation capabilities and it’s really just like navigating using a street directory – OK, so now you know how old I am – where you can pinpoint a location by combining the column name and the row name to get to the cell reference or cell name.

This short video provides absolute beginners to Microsoft Excel and excellent overview of how to navigate around the program, what the different areas are called and the various uses for Excel. Enrol for our free Excel course and see how we deliver our Excel training.

Here are some other things covered in this video:

  • Worksheets within each workbook
  • How Excel is used for worksheets, databases and charting
  • Row and column naming
  • Cell referencing
  • Active cell
  • Using the Name Box
  • Formula Bar
  • Introduction to cell formatting
  • Date formatting in a cell
  • What formulas look like

Do you like our simple and to the point training style? There is a workbook that takes you through these steps one-by-one and even some exercise files so you can replicate what you see in this video.

Watch the next Excel Training Video

What’s Included in The Excel Beginners Course

See Course Prices

Microsoft Excel Beginners Course 301 Workbook Screen ShotFree Excel Beginners Workbook and Exercise Files

If you like what you have seen so far you are going to love our free Excel Beginners workbook offer. The workbook takes you through these concepts in a step-by-step approach where you get to build your Excel skills and confidence in each step. Best of all you’ll also receive a copy of the 5 different exercise files that we have created to help you understand the power of Microsoft Excel.

The Excel Beginners Workbook is delivered via an email course were you receive updates a couple times a week until you’ve gone through the course.


Sign Up for Free Email Course, Exercise files and Training Workbook


Just text the word ezyexcel to 0488883655 and you’ll receive our Microsoft Excel Basics Training course materials.

Use this materials to give you an understanding about the common uses for Microsoft Office Excel

You’ll also get the FREE Bookkeeping Beginner Basics Training Guide