Contractor Management

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What is Contractor Management

electricians plumbers builders and other contractors can do your induction online and be fully compliant before doing their workContractor Management is about the performance of your suppliers who deliver products and services they are contracted to supply. The term Contractor refers to both:

  • the company that supplies services to your site, and
  • a worker who comes to your site to perform work.

But the key differentiator is that a contractor doesn’t go through the normal onboarding process that a staff member goes through. If a contractor performs regular maintenance work at your site they may visit your site(s) every week or even everyday to perform preventative maintenance work. The first step when engaging a new contractor is to ensure that the Contractor is compliant with their insurances, qualifications and licences and importantly that they have gone through your contractor induction and agree to your policies and procedures – and this can be done very easily with an online induction.

Contractor Compliance

Policy documents can be accessed and agreed to within an online induction for employees or contractorsTo most people Contractor Compliance means

  • Public Liability,
  • WorkCover,
  • Professional Indemnity
  • Company Licences

These documents are commonly referred to as Credentials and although these are the most common, contractor compliance credentials can also involve supplying SWMS for all the work they perform at your site and other documents that the site requires. Many of these credentials expire and need to be renewed so it is important to ensure that these are up-to-date when a contractor visitors your site. You might make it a requirement for them to have them when they visit.

Contractor Management System Online

Contractor compliance is a fundamental requirement for all contractors and sites and it’s an administration task often overlooked after the contract is won so it’s very important to establish at the start of the contract. This compliance is important to suppliers when they are tendering to win your contract because contractor sales people will ensure all compliance tasks are completed to win the sale. It’s at this time that you can include in your tender request that all of the contractors staff (or other contractors) must complete your online contractor induction before they arrive onsite to perform work.

These are some features that are part of an online induction system.

Supplier (Contractor) Invitations

With an online contractor induction system you can create a student (contractor) profile and automatically send them an invitation to your induction. When they access your online induction, you’ll be able to see when they sign in and which training resources they have accessed – you can even see if they have successfully completed their course and received a certificate of completion.

Supplier (Contractor) Notifications

In an online contractor induction you can ask students (contractors) to upload any evidence to support what they do – it’s one way of storing all of this information in once central place online that you can access at any time in the future. This can include insurance documents, licences and professional registrations. Depending on the duration of your online contractor induction the student will receive a notification that their enrolment is about to expire and this will encourage them to re-enrol and do the induction again – particularly important where the induction needs to be repeated every year because the contents of the induction change.

Visual Verification and Expiry

When any credential is uploaded by the Contractor you are able to see the credential and use it as part of the contractors assessment – in other words if the credential is approved they’ll receive a pass and can get their completion certificate. Until the uploaded evidence is approved by an LMS teacher the contractor would not be able to print their Certificate of Completion.

Use Our Team if You Want

With your own online contractor induction system you’ll be able to take full control of every aspect or have us organise an induction manager to take care of this for you. We can educate your own staff in the management of the online contractor system or manage it for you – including contacting any person you want to complete the training – and correspondence is managed via our support ticketing system.

Spot Audits

A spot audit is performed to ensure that contractors are performing their work safely and according to your online contractor induction. Spot audits are critical for any site that wants to operate an effective contractor management program because it ensures that contractors are performing their work in accordance with your policies and procedures and by their own company standards.

Spot audits ensure that workers are following their own JSA’s, SWMS, SOP’s and all those safety and quality documents that are written to demonstrate the procedures contractors follow while performing their work.

Performance Reviews

While a Spot Audit enables you to ensure contractors are performing their work compliantly, Performance Reviews enable managers at your site to evaluate various aspects of the contractors performance. We use an online form builder to create your Performance Reviews and they can be customised for your particular site using Key Performance Indicators that are important to you.

The result of these reviews are all compiled in one central place so come review time you can act on the review information quickly. This can provide a solid productivity tool for your managers.

Compliance Reports

request-a-quote for an online induction for staff or contractorsAt any time you can access a variety of reports that provide a high level activity of your contractors. These reports include:

  • Completion dates
  • Uploaded evidence
  • Course expiry

Learn more about online contractor induction and request a quote