Why Choose EzyLearn?

A Message from the CEO Our History EZYLEARN HAD ITS BEGINNINGS in Sydney’s Lane Cove in 1996. Sue and Trish were both working mothers who had stopped work to raise children. They realised the importance for mums to learn new technology after having children so...
Continuing Professional Development

Continuing Professional Development

CPD and CPE Points EZYLEARN ONLINE TRAINING COURSES can be counted towards your ongoing Continuing Professional Development (CPD), also called Continuing Professional Education (CPE), requirements. The number of points you can earn for a course is usually dependant on...
Online Courses

Online Courses

EzyLearn the first for Online CoursesWE’VE BEEN DELIVERING and creating online courses since 2006 and in business since 1996. We listen to feedback from students and constantly strive to improve our online courses and enrolment procedures. We love sharing...