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Our History
EZYLEARN HAD ITS BEGINNINGS in Sydney’s Lane Cove in 1996. Sue and Trish were both working mothers who had stopped work to raise children. They realised the importance for mums to learn new technology after having children so that they could re-enter the workforce.
They operated from a professional but relaxed training centre in Sydney’s Lane Cove where they tailor made courses to cater for beginners’, intermediate and advanced skills. At the time, they were teaching people how to use the internet and email as well as fundamental Windows and Microsoft Office skills.
Steve Slisar started his training centre in Sydney’s Northern Beaches in 1999 and expanded to Gordon and later Parramatta. His courses focussed on beginners learning to use computers, Microsoft Office courses, MYOB Bookkeeping and creating websites using different programs including the 123ezy Site-Builder, and later Wordpress.
In 2002, Steve acquired the business from Sue and Trish and went on to widen the scope of topics covered and develop a system of videos, workbooks and knowledge reviews that would make learning easier and more convenient.
Professional, but personal
One of the best things about operating a training centre in regional areas is that you help real working people learn new skills that help them change their lives for the better. EzyLearn has been lucky to have some excellent trainers from the large, city-based training centres as well as some top notch MYOB Certified Consultants delivering our MYOB training courses.
We have always delivered our courses in 2-3 hour-duration training sessions, because after that time we found that students find it harder and harder to concentrate. Over time, we started to make our courses more modular, so that a module could be completed relatively easily and the student would be satisfied that they had reached and completed each level comfortably.
Study at your own pace with videos and self-paced training
In 2003 we embarked on a project to record training videos of the topics we covered in the class; after all, we used a projector to project the trainers screen onto the wall so that all students could see it and learn new skills that they could then practice themselves on their own computer. This led to students being able to start their course whenever they wanted to.
Students started their MYOB, Microsoft Office or Beginners’ courses any day of the week by coming to the training centre, watching training videos and then doing step-by-step exercises on their own computer. There was always a trainer present in case a student had a question.
All training material included
When we had students come to the training centre we realised that different people like to learn different ways and although the training videos were the most popular, most students wanted a training workbook to keep with them with exercises they could try to replicate.
We also realised that as much as we don’t like to take tests, we all want to know how much we have remembered, so we created knowledge reviews to test your skills and also provide you with a guide to where to go if you did get an answer wrong.
We now provide all these training resources within each course.
New career, promotion, or your own business
We’ve found that people decide to do a course when they want to make a change in their life. Sometimes the change is beyond their control. Other times it is a decision that they make because they want to be better qualified, more employable or more competitive.
We provide training courses to clients of insurance companies like Allianz, QBE and GIO for workcover retraining, rehabilitation retraining for companies like CRS Australia as well as jobseeker training for Job Network agencies and companies like MAX Employment, Campbell Page and more. See our extensive client list here
Helping students get skills so they can get a job, be more productive (and valuable) in their current job, or start their own business has always been our goal and our career services have helped students achieve these goals.
A price you can afford
We have always aimed to be market leaders in the price value war and when we announced the LIFETIME student membership offer in January 2011 we stretched ourselves and achieved a major milestone in online computer software training.
We no longer have training centres to pay for and computers to maintain so since 2007 we have redirected those resources in our online training platform, content and online support for students. This has enables us to make more available to you for a lower price.
The price for our courses now gives you lifetime access as well as a much broader range of topics. For example our MYOB training courses includes all skill levels. Same with the Microsoft Excel course. You get access to all skill levels for the one price so you don’t need to spend any time thinking about which level to start at, you can start from the basic and refresh your knowledge, and keep going until you complete the advanced topics. All this for the one price and Lifetime access option.
Our credibility
Apart from our experience in the business (since 1996) and our extensive list of well known customers, we have always used the best trainers — trainers with industry know-how and practical experience. This is the same today. We have experienced MYOB practitioners who operate bookkeeping businesses and are registered BAS agents as our support team and they also create training content and knowledge reviews.
Our courses include examples and case studies that revolve around real businesses and real life working and business scenarios. For instance, our WordPress Course is based on experiences in building a real website for a student who is using their course to make international sales.
Links with professional industry groups and associations
EzyLearn has an ongoing commitment to maintain its reputation for professional and relevant courses and has partnered with industry associations like the Australian Institute of Training and Development (AITD member #: 59040), the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers (2012-2018) and the Australian Web Industry Association.
Read more about who we are endorsed by and industry accreditation
Committed to online training
Our testimonials reveal what our students like about online training, but many a study has shown that online learning enhances the user’s experience of learning by giving them control of their interactions with the teaching media and prompting learner reflection. Our online training courses give you the ability to:
- Control the pace of your learning to suit your other commitments
- Go over difficult topics several times if you need to
- Start (and stop) your training at the appropriate skill level
- Not have to wait for slower learners or catch up with faster ones
Rather than providing as many courses as possible through our online learning management system, we choose to specialise and focus on training that benefits people in the bookkeeping and accounting space, small to medium businesses and people working in content generation and marketing online, such as social media consultants, web designers, writers and virtual assistants among others.
Each quarter, when we review our operations and our successes, we discover and implement another feature or service that aims at helping you get more skills, make more money and win more customers.
Stay up-to-date with our announcements at the EzyLearn Blog!
Money-back guarantee
The main reason we offer a money back guarantee is because we know that online learning is still new to many students and some students find that they don’t end up having enough skills yet to begin and online course.
We also understand that learning something new can be challenging and we want to make it as easy as possible to get started, but also to continue on with your education when you have the time to do it.
Want to find out more?
Read some of our student testimonials; we also feature a more detailed case study based on one of our student’s experiences.
At EzyLearn we offer online training courses to help you up-skill and find employment. Choose from our range of cloud-based online accounting software courses, to business start up and management courses, to marketing and sales courses, or update and further your skills in a range of Microsoft Office programs (Excel, PowerPoint, Word) or social media and WordPress web design).