Corporate Training Licence – How it works

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Systemised Discounts for Volume Buying Clients

We create standard corporate discount packages as well as design bespoke corporate licence pages for clients based on their needs and this page is designed to explain the purchase and activation process to use your corporate licence.


Purchase Your Corporate Training Licence

Accounting and Bookkeeping Firms

Accounting firms can purchase the Daily Transactions course for MYOB, Xero and Quickbooks so no matter which software their clients use they can activate them to have access to ALL courses so they can take care of the daily transaction type tasks that most small businesses need to do each day. By activating their clients on basic bookkeeping tasks they are freeing their time up for more complex and specific tasks that they earn a better income from. It helps their client have more control and helps the accounting firm focus on the higher value work.

Tertiary and Secondary Education Providers

RTO’s and other organisations that offer Certificate or Diploma level courses (or higher) can use a Corporate Training Licence to add value for the courses they sell as well as improve the success rate of students by giving them software training on popular and mandatory skills in Microsoft Word and Excel etc.


Most trainers, IT support people or teachers take student through a curriculum so students learn the basics and then gradually more advanced topics to develop their skills. Even our CEO began teaching students in their homes and offices how to use various software programs and used step-by-step training workbooks to guide students through exercises they could use to practice. As a trainer you can purchase our courses in volume and provide them to your own clients/students to give them more resources and provide better service.

Small Businesses

Successful small businesses understand that onboarding of new employees or contractors need to be systemised and that the level of knowledge of staff must be as high as possible to ensure they are very productive. EzyLearn Small Business Software Training Licences enable business owners or HR manages to activate new team members when they begin working for the company or a ready to be up-skilled.


Purchase and Activation Process

When you purchase a corporate training licence you must provide a main administration contact for managing the issuing and activation of users for your Corporate Licence.

  1. When you purchase a Corporate Training Licence you are issued with a Certificate that contains a Licence number (just like a serial number).
  2. Visit the activation site on your Corporate Training Licence and “activate” any of your staff or team members
  3. Your staff and team members will automatically have a student account created, be enrolled into the courses available on your licence
  4. Your staff member will automatically receive a welcome email with their username and password
  5. Your staff members will be able to begin their course(s) immediately
  6. If they have any issues or do not receive their welcome email (or have issues accessing the courses) ask them to contact you and then you can contact us with any issues they may have
  7. We’ll correspond with you about any issue resolution

Thanks for reading and please see our standard Corporate Training Licence packages or contact us to tell us exactly what you’d like and how much you’d like to pay.