MYOB Accounting Training Course Outline

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MYOB Training Course Outline Summary

OUR MYOB SUITE of training courses currently includes 5 MYOB accounting courses (but we are adding content all the time).

If you are within your course access period you can access all the updates. If you opt for Lifetime Course Access, you will receive all course updates for the rest of your working life!

  1. MYOB Accounting Set Up Course
  2. MYOB Day-to-Day / Daily Transactions (Sales, Purchases and Banking)  Course
  3. MYOB Bank Reconciliation Course
  4. MYOB Reporting, GST and BAS Course
  5. MYOB Payroll Course

MYOB Setup Course + Certificate

Woman learning MYOB cheap online training course videosCreate a New MYOB Company

  • Creating a new company in MYOB accounting
  • new company accounting info in MYOB accounting
  • accounts list and filename in MYOB accounting
  • data entry & record selection options in MYOB accounting
  • contact log, to do list, help in MYOB accounting
  • description of accounts list, creating and deleting accounts in MYOB accounting
  • entering opening balances in MYOB accounting

Set Up Your New MYOB Accounting Company

  • Sales layouts in MYOB accounting
  • selling and payment defaults in MYOB accounting
  • linked accounts for sales in MYOB accounting
  • creating customer cards in MYOB accounting
  • historical sales in MYOB accounting
  • purchases setup in MYOB accounting
  • security preferences in MYOB accounting
  • sales preferences in MYOB accounting

Chart of Accounts and Opening Balances

  • Tax codes using MYOB
  • accounts list within MYOB
  • edit and delete accounts using MYOB
  • intro to linked accounts in MYOB
  • edit and delete linked accounts using MYOB
  • entering opening balances in MYOB

Customer and Supplier Cards and Inventory

  • Creating supplier and customer cards using MYOB
  • extra card file details using MYOB
  • supplier bank account details using MYOB
  • creating items using MYOB
  • extra item information using MYOB
  • inventory opening balances using MYOB
  • inventory adjusting balances using MYOB

Backup and Restore MYOB Datafile

  • Closing and backup in MYOB
  • backup on multiple disks in MYOB
  • opening your new file in MYOB
  • restoring a backup file in MYOB

Customise Forms (Part 1)

  • Introduction to customising forms,
  • invoice form layouts,
  • tax inc vs tax ex invoice layouts,
  • text fields vs data fields,
  • deleting fields and lines,
  • moving and resizing fields,
  • customising toolbar,
  • form properties,
  • text formatting for fields,
  • copy and paste logo into form,
  • inserting a logo image file,
  • final form customisations


MYOB Daily Transactions Course Outline + Certificate

Man learning MYOB online training course videos learn at your own paceThe MYOB Sales Module

  • MYOB’s Main Command Centre screen
  • MYOB’s Sales Command Centre screen
  • sales layouts in MYOB
  • entering items in MYOB
  • changing item information in MYOB
  • changing payment terms in MYOB
  • entering a service invoice in MYOB
  • time-billing and printing in MYOB
  • creating a sales quote in MYOB
  • creating a sales order in MYOB
  • converting quote to order in MYOB
  • converting order to invoice in MYOB
  • convert order to invoice in MYOB sales register
  • inserting & deleting lines & headings in MYOB

Finding Transaction Details

  • Sales register,
  • transaction journal,
  • to do list navigation,
  • to do list – AR and AP,
  • intro to statements,
  • intro to find transactions,
  • find transactions in detail,
  • keyboard shortcuts,
  • receive payments and pay bills,
  • custom lists in sales & purchases

Customise MYOB item and service invoice forms

Email and Print Invoices and Statements

  • Printing receipts with MYOB
  • print or email an invoice using MYOB
  • printing unprinted invoices in MYOB
  • emailing or printing statements using MYOB
  • email or print activity statements with MYOB
  • invoice vs activity statements in MYOB

Credits, Bad Debts and Reversals

  • Recording a cash sale,
  • entering credits,
  • settling credits and returns,
  • bad debts,
  • deleting payments & sales,
  • reversing transactions,
  • creating a card on the fly,
  • creating an inventory item

accounting training course accounts receivable and payable stamped document

Receipts and Part Payments

  • Apply a payment while invoicing,
  • receive payments account,
  • receive payments for an invoice,
  • receive part payments,
  • receive over payments

Purchases Module

  • Receive money and pay bills,
  • creating a purchase,
  • creating a purchase order,
  • converting purchase order to bill,
  • create an item credit,
  • purchases register,
  • settling credits,
  • reverse or edit a purchase,
  • how much do you owe,
  • payment for purchases,
  • analyse payables

Banking Module

  • Intro to bank register in MYOB
  • spend money in MYOB
  • receive money in MYOB

See MYOB Sales and Purchases Course


MYOB Bank Reconciliation Course Outline + Certificate

MYOB Bank Reconciliation — Data File & Loan Account

  • Data file – download and opening the training company data,
  • creating a loan account,
  • transfer loan funds,
  • transaction details and accounts payable,
  • setup accounts payable linked account,
  • editing or deleting a transaction entry

MYOB Bank Reconciliation — Entering Transactions

  • Creating customer cards,
  • creating inventory items,
  • entering a sale and payment,
  • spend money,
  • receive money from a client,
  • reconcile your cheque account to your bank statement

See MYOB Bank Reconciliation Course


MYOB GST, Reporting and BAS Course Outline + Certificate

MYOB GST and BAS Reporting online training course and supportMYOB Reporting and BAS

  • Learn about how GST is calculated on each sale within MYOB
  • purchase, deposit and withdrawal, GST reports in MYOB
  • How to complete your BAS using MYOB’s BASlink
  • Setup your BAS info and backup the completed BAS report for that period within MYOB
  • Learn about the GST and BAS reports available in MYOB
  • Capital Reports (Assets and Liabilities) in MYOB
  • Proft and Loss and Cashflow reports using MYOB

See MYOB GST, BAS & Financial Reporting Course


MYOB Payroll Administration Course Outline + Certificate

MYOB Payroll Beginners’ Course (Level 1)

MYOB Payroll — Navigating and Finding

  • MYOB payroll and card file command centres,
  • payroll categories,
  • employee payroll information,
  • employee payment transactions,
  • employee payroll advice report

MYOB Payroll – Processing Pays

  • TFN Declaration Form for online MYOB training course and support in payrollNavigating around the payroll command centre module of MYOB
  • load the current tax tables in MYOB
  • create new employee cards in MYOB
  • assign wages categories, taxes and deductions for staff using MYOB
  • setup the superannuation guarantee for qualifying employees in MYOB
  • extra super features like salary sacrifice within MYOB
  • process the weekly pay using MYOB
  • look at where transactions are entered in MYOB’s accounts list (Chart of Accounts),
  • make modification or deletions if required using MYOB
  • process the payment of payroll liabilities in MYOB
  • superannuation payments in MYOB
  • deductions like the social club using MYOB
  • provide employees with their legislated advice slips and payment summaries within MYOB

MYOB Payroll – Reporting and Reconciliation

  • Run several reports including Payroll Summary,
  • employee register,
  • balance sheet and profit and loss
  • reconcile the entries and payments you’ve made,
  • printing of End of Year summaries for employees
  • backing up your data and closing the payroll year


MYOB Payroll Intermediate Training Course (Level 2)

  • MYOB 5050601 – Create a New Company File using MYOB
  • MYOB 5050602 – Set up your Accounts List in MYOB
  • MYOB 5050603 – Set up Payroll Options in MYOB
  • MYOB 5050604 – Set up Timesheet Preferences using MYOB
  • MYOB 5050701 – Edit an Existing Super Payroll Category in MYOB
  • MYOB 5050702 – Create a New Super Payroll Category using MYOB
  • MYOB 5050703 – Add a New Payroll Category in MYOB
  • MYOB 5050801 – Create a Casual Employee in MYOB 
  • MYOB 5050802 – Create Permanent Employees in MYOB 
  • MYOB 5050803 – Enter Timesheets in MYOB 
  • MYOB 5050804 – Process a Pay Run using MYOB
  • MYOB 5050805 – Import Timesheets using MYOB
  • MYOB 5050806 – Process Payroll with Personal Leave included in MYOB 
  • MYOB 5050807 – Create a New Deduction Payroll Category using MYOB
  • MYOB 5050808 – View Employee Leave Accrued in MYOB
  • MYOB 5050809 – Process Pay including Annual Leave within MYOB
  • MYOB 5050901 – Run a Payroll Entitlements Report using MYOB
  • MYOB 5050902 – Run a Payroll Journal Report in MYOB
  • MYOB 5050903 – Produce a Balance Sheet using MYOB
  • MYOB 5051001 – Record your Bank Details within MYOB
  • MYOB 5051002 – Record Employee Bank Details in MYOB
  • MYOB 5051003 – Process a Pay Run using MYOB
  • MYOB 5051004 – Create an Electronic Payment File in MYOB 
  • MYOB 5051101 – Process Final Pay using MYOB
  • MYOB 5051102 – Update Employee Card File within MYOB


See MYOB Advanced Payroll Administration Course

See the full course outline for all course topics in our MYOB Training Course Outline


See the LONG VERSION of the MYOB Training Course Page with ALL the DETAILS