Microsoft Excel Training Course – Full Story

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Microsoft Excel Training Courses

Excel Beginners, Intermediate & Advanced Excel Training Courses


One Price for ALL 9 Courses

Click on each skill level to see what is included in the total Microsoft Excel Training Course Package



5 FULL Days of Microsoft Excel training divided into easy to learn half day courses.

We separated our Microsoft Excel training courses into half day courses to adapt to how HUMANS learn, not because we have to allocate a trainer and training rooms by the DAY! That’s why we’re an ONLINE only Excel Course provider – you get more course content, delivered in a format which makes it easier to learn and easier to fit into your busy HUMAN life.

Microsoft Excel Beginners Training
Three (3) Courses (click to view)

Microsoft Excel Intermediate Training
Three (3) Courses (click to view)

Microsoft Excel Advanced Training
Three (3) Courses (click to view)



EzyLearn Online Microsoft Excel Training Course Frequently Asked Questions LogoWe’ve answered every question that most students ask at our
Excel Course Frequently Asked Questions page so feel free to visit that page first.
If you still have questions feel free to call, email or chat.


EzyLearn Online Xero, Excel, MYOB Training Course Prices Logo* Our online Microsoft Excel training course includes everything.
* It is ONE price (see enrolment page for course prices) for ALL 9 courses
* and every new Excel course we create including (new Excel 2016 Courses)


Free Microsoft Excel Beginners Training Course Workbook

Microsoft Excel Online Training Courses CONTENT

Each of our Microsoft Excel Training Courses are designed as a half day training session for the training centres we use to operate in Sydney between 2000 and 2006. Although we include all of these 9 courses for the one low price we’ve demonstrated below how they are usually separated into Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced Excel Courses.

Exercise Files

Template, sample and pre-populated excel files are used all the way through the entire 9 courses so you can download and work on the actual files included in each and every course. The videos show you how to work with the files and the workbooks take you through step-by-step instructions.

Learn about the Excel Training Course exercise files


Excel Course Testimonials, Reviews and Ratings

EzyLearn Xero, MYOB, Excel & Social Media Marketing Course testimonials, reviews and recommendations OfficialEnjoy the best value Microsoft Excel Training Course which comes with LIFETIME course access option and a 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee.

We only publish testimonials from students who’ve completed our courses and have given us permission to use their reviews.

The reviews at the end of each module was the best part of the course. Marie Powney – Camellia NSW 2142

The videos are the best part of the course. I could follow through the Training Manuals and if I didn’t understand I could go back tot he Training Videos. Helen Livingstone – Waurn Ponds Vic 3216

The exercises were great to do for practice. Barry Bryant – Armstrong Creek QLD 4520

See the EzyLearn Course Testimonials, reviews and ratings from students close to where you live.


EzyLearn online course website link to Excel Course exercise files

Dozens of exercise files included,
Click the image to view them

Microsoft Excel Beginners Course

(free sample available – click here)

Microsoft Excel (course 301) – Open and Understand Spreadsheets

  • The Excel screen toolbars, formula bar, name box, column and row headings, sheet tabs,
  • Uses for Excel (Worksheet, Database & Charting).
    Navigating a spreadsheet using keyboard & mouse,
  • Moving between workbooks.
  • Selecting (or highlighting) cells, columns and rows & entire spreadsheets.
  • Entering information into workbooks and resizing columns.

DURATION: 4 hours (see FAQ’s for more details)

Read more about the Microsoft Excel Beginners Courses (and receive your free sample)


Microsoft Excel (Course 302) – Create & Edit Spreadsheets

  • Selecting cells, columns, rows & ranges using mouse & keyboard,
  • Copy / Paste: Drag and drop, from range to range and to other worksheet & different software programs.
  • Editing cells: entering and modifying, submitting changes, using status bar, escaping formula errors,
  • Changing column width, row height for single and multiple columns & make all columns uniform,
  • Database: Creating a simple database, database structure, basics for mail merge with Microsoft Word), Inserting and deleting columns, using Undo and redo options,
  • Autofill: fill numbers, dates, number patterns, days, months and years and much more.
  • Understand date formatting .

DURATION: 4 hours (see FAQ’s for more details)

Read more about the Microsoft Excel Beginners Courses (and receive your free sample)


Microsoft Excel (Course 303) – Formulas, Functions, Formatting

  • Formulas: Entering formulas using keyboard, arrow keys and mouse,
  • Understand relative cells references, common formula errors, using multiplication, division and combine two formulas,
  • AutoCalculate: Create additions and basic functions quickly,
  • Functions: Intro to functions & function syntax, Autosum, Autosum multiple ranges, intro to basic functions (Maximum, Minimum, Average),
  • Functions in more detail: Sum, formula bar, editing functions, F2 key, Autofill to quickly copy functions,
  • Formatting: How your spreadsheets look, lines, colours, shading, text and number size, font, colour .
  • Currency formatting, date & text formatting,
  • Merging cells, centering, Alignment formatting fill colour, font colour and Borders
    Advanced formatting,  Autoformats, repeat regular actions quickly, format painter.

DURATION: 4 hours (see FAQ’s for more details)

Read more about the Microsoft Excel Beginners Courses (and receive your free sample)


Microsoft Excel Intermediate Courses

Microsoft Excel (course 304) – Viewing & Printing

  • Views:  Zoom (set and custom), Print Preview and page break preview versus Normal view.
  • Page Setup: page orientation, Scaling & margins,
  • Print areas: Setting & clearing defined print areas, differences with default & set page breaks, Inserting & move page breaks,
  • Changing print order of pages, centering the spreadsheet when printing, showing/hiding gridlines & headers,
  • Introduction to headers and footers, using preset & custom headers & footers, using file information & common fields.
  • Freezing panes when viewing to keep headers visible while scrolling, and Repeating rows to keep headings printed on every page, and other printing options.

DURATION: 4 hours (see FAQ’s for more details)

Read more about the Microsoft Excel Intermediate Courses


Microsoft Excel (course 305) – Charts & Graphs

  • Charting: Creating a simple chart see charts change (dynamic) based on information entered in cells
  • Inserting labels for heading, the x & y axis, values,
  • Chart mutliple rows and columns, Organising sheet tabs for new chart sheets,
  • Changing data range in the chart wizard, charting several separate data ranges, charting options & charts types (eg. pie charts)
  • Chart formatting: Understand chart objects for formatting, chart toolbar buttons, and using right-click to format.
  • Formatting a data series, and parts of a pie chart, having 2 different data formats within the one chart and how to get charts into Microsoft Word documents.

DURATION: 4 hours (see FAQ’s for more details)

Read more about the Microsoft Excel Intermediate Courses


Microsoft Excel (course 306) – Intermediate Functions & Cell Referencing

  • Number & percentage formatting: Use percentage formatting to better use them in formulas and functions.
  • Understand cells formatting (even without data in them)
  • Relative & Absolute Cell references: How relative cell referencing works when copying formulas & functions quickly (and whe they don’t work and why),
  • Use Absolute cell referencing to reduce the amount of calculations in a spreadsheet.
  • Learn and understand fundamental mathematical functions (skills that make more complicated functions easier to understand),
  • Combine two formulas into one and write better formulas and get to know the order of mathematical calculations,
  • Using Functions like Maximum, Minimum and average
  • Understand the “Insert Functions dialog box”,  search for functions and understand “arguments” (or syntax) in functions and function categories such as financial, Date and time, maths and trig,
  • Understanding and constructing an IF Statement,
  • Comments: Uses for comments. Insert comments to explain the purpose of a cell, choose size and location of the comments and control the way they appear on the spreadsheet. Edit comments & change comment formatting
  • Show/Hide Columns/Rows: hide columns or rows with confidential information. Print the spreadsheet without the confidential information.

DURATION: 4 hours (see FAQ’s for more details)

Read more about the Microsoft Excel Intermediate Courses


Microsoft Excel Advanced Courses

Microsoft Excel (course 307) – Databases, Filter/Sort, Named Ranges

  • Excel program options, automatic calculation, error checking rules, customising the ribbon and quick access toolbar.
  • Format & structure of databases: delimiters, headers, records, fields, flat file vs relational data,
  • Filtering and sorting data and different data formats like Comma Separated Values (CSV), TXT, Tab separated values and how to open data in different programs.
  • Naming Ranges and using Named Ranges in formulas. Data validation and drop down lists and mastering find and replace.

DURATION: 4 hours (see FAQ’s for more details)

Read more about the Microsoft Excel Advanced Courses


Microsoft Excel (course 308) – Pivot tables, 3D Formulas, Advanced Formulas and Protection

  • Understand 3D formulas between worksheets,
  • Cleaning up data using advanced filter,
  • Create a pivot table and change the value field settings, create a pivot chart to visually show the stats,
  • Advanced functions like CHOOSE, VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, MATCH and INDEX,
  • Advanced functions within functions (Nested Functions) and how to protect the worksheet and workbooks.

DURATION: 4 hours (see FAQ’s for more details)

Read more about the Microsoft Excel Advanced Courses


Microsoft Excel (course 309) – Goal Seek, Data Consolidation and Solver

  • Find out how much you can afford to pay for a house using goal seek and financial functions,
  • Consolidate the information from several sheets,
  • Data grouping,
  • Use solver to explore possible outcomes depending on input variables.

DURATION: 4 hours (see FAQ’s for more details)

Read more about the Microsoft Excel Advanced Courses





Microsoft Office Beginners Essentials Combination Offer

EzyLearn Microsoft Office Beginners Essentials logo croppedAre you a beginner to the Microsoft Office suite of programs and would like to learn all of these programs in one course? That’s why we created the Microsoft Office Beginners Essentials Courses – a fantastic way to get a solid understanding about how to navigate, use and create documents, spreadsheets and presentations as well as manage emails, calendars, contacts and tasks. All of these courses are available for one low price with 12 months access and the option or a certificate if you want one.

When you enrol into the Microsoft Office Beginners Essentials courses you’ll also receive the Free Student Inclusions that come with being an EzyLearn student.

Learn More


Microsoft Excel Training Course
Inclusions, special offers and free samples

EzyLearn discounts, coupons, vouchers, specials for online Xero, MYOB, Excel, WordPress, Social Media Marketing coursesCheck out our specials page to see if you are eligible for a discounted price on Excel Courses! Get all the learning tools, start straight away and have a resource for 12 months or life.

*** CURRENT OFFER: Enrol into the Excel Course and Certificate and receive the Microsoft Word Course for free!
See OFFER 1 – Job Seeker Offer ***


EzyLearn FREE Student Inclusions beginners Excel, Word, MYOB, Xero, WordPress Online CoursesThere are now a whole bunch of free courses that are included for all EzyLearn students. No matter which of our courses you enrol into you’ll be able to use your login details to access all of these online courses for free!


EzyLearn Online Training Course Free Samples for Microsoft Excel, Word, Xero, MYOB and moreEzyLearn has been delivering online courses since 2006 but unless you’ve been watching you may not have heard of us so we’ve always offered samples of our training workbooks and videos for you to get to know our training style. The Microsoft Excel Beginners 301 workbook is available as free download!

Enrol today, start by 5pm next business day and learn fast

If you’ve never heard of EzyLearn and want to see a sample we’ll give you one, the Excel Beginners Course workbook and sample videos for free! Check it out here:

* Microsoft Excel Training Videos

As a student you can watch the online Microsoft Excel training videos as often as you want, print the training workbooks and go through the step-by-step exercises. Our videos replicate the exercises in the workbooks using the exercise files included in the courses.


* Microsoft Excel Exercise Files

We provide the Microsoft Excel exercise files so that you can practice what you learn (and gain real experience with the software). There are dozens of files and many of them can be used in real life scenarios in your office or even to help calculate mortgage or finance repayments.


* Microsoft Excel Training Workbooks

Everyone loves our Microsoft Excel training workbooks because they take students through the learning process one step at a time. All 9 workbooks are designed to progress students from basic to more advanced skills when they are needed in the learning process. You’re welcome to sample our absolute beginners to Microsoft Excel Training Workbook (see below for more details).


Students NOW have the option of enrolling for LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP


Our course includes Microsoft Excel knowledge reviews to test your new skills and provide you with the learning resources to review your answers and go over the learning material again if you need to. Learn more about how the online course works.

All 9 Microsoft Excel courses for the one low price

We’ve only supplied these course outlines as Excel Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced to help demonstrate the value of our Microsoft Excel Courses because we include EVERYTHING for one low price. If you are an intermediate Excel users you may learn something from the Beginners courses and focus on the Advanced courses and if you are more advanced you can brush up on the skills taught in earlier courses. Why do some training companies still offer these Microsoft Excel courses separately!

Rather than spend your time trying to choose which course suits your current skill level you can jump right in, start where you need to start and then fill yourself in on any basics you’ve missed and some advanced features that will really help you in your job or your business.

Training Methods used for Excel Training Courses

Online Training Courses from beginners, intermediate and advanced

We have been teaching students to use Microsoft Excel since 1996 at our training centre in Lane Cove and then later in Dee Why, Gordon and Parramatta.

There is one comprehensive training workbook with step-be-step exercise for each of the 9 courses and they take you through the relevant skills in Excel with our own exercise files that are also included in each course.

Videos, Tests, Workbooks, Exercise Files

Each of the 9 Microsoft Excel courses is divided into sections of explanatory videos (real life using of the exercise files and the software) followed by Knowledge Reviews that are designed to test your knowledge of the features taught in that section.

So in summary we use these training methods:

  1. Detailed demonstration training videos
  2. Knowledge Review tests
  3. Exercise files that are unlocked and you can work with
  4. Training workbooks that take you through every stage of performing the Excel operations


You Choose How You Want To Learn

No matter how you like to learn:

  • Watch the training videos and replicate it yourself on your own computer
  • Follow a training workbook using the exercise files
  • Just opening the Excel exercise files and playing around with them
  • Watch, try it yourself and then test yourself

We have all the training methods covered, AND you can go over and over the training materials as often as you want during your membership period – Did we mention that we have a LIFETIME course access option?



Give ALL your staff training on ALL our Courses and get a MASSIVE discount off the normal prices

current special offers for MYOB, Excel, Xero and Word courses

Do you have a team of people and want them to have access to all our courses with our ALL YOU CAN LEARN training programs? Order a Business Software Training Licence and give them access to all the great EzyLearn features:

  • Enrol Now, Learn Fast
  • All skill levels included (beginners to advanced)
  • Training video, workbooks, exercises and tests
  • Go over the course material as often as you need

See our latest Group, Discount, Combo and Corporate Training Offers..


Frequently Asked Questions About Our Microsoft Excel Training Courses

The A-Z of Excel Course Questions

  1. How long will it take me to complete the course?
  2. Can I go over the training materials more than once?
  3. Are there any prerequisites?
  4. When can I start?
  5. How long can I access the Excel courses?
  6. Do I get a certificate?

Feel free to visit our Microsoft Excel Training Course FAQ’s for all the common questions and answers about our courses.

Our other online courses

Horizontal Banner with software training courses in MYOB, Excel, WordPress, Word, Xero, Facebook and digital social media marketing

Enrol into this course and you’ll automatically get free access to the first course for several of our other online courses.Click the image to see the other courses we offer.

Case Study: Pivot Tables and Charts

Pivot Tables in Microsoft Excel is a powerful features that enables you to get valuable information from a huge list of data.

One of the examples we take you through using the Excel Course exercise files is how we used Pivot Tables and charts to help us understand when students were enrolling into courses.

Between 2000-2004 when the Internet was new and there was no such thing as online training we did a LOT of beginners training – Absolute Beginners – and taught people how to use Windows, file management, editing text and emailing and Internet and we wanted to know when people prefer to do these courses.

Learn about Excel Pivot tables and pivot table charts

We had the information we knew – that Absolute Beginners and Excel were the most popular courses and that we could offer these courses in the morning, just after lunch or in the evening. You’ll be able to use our exact data in a Pivot table to see when students like to come to a training centre to do a course – we used this information to schedule our courses up to 6 months in advance!

Luckily today we don’t have to do that. In fact you don’t need to choose what skill level you are at because we include all our Microsoft Excel Courses for the one price (we also do this for our Word, MYOB, Xero and WordPress courses).
We started recording our first training videos back in 2003 so we could also compare the number of students who learnt using the EzyLearn videos or via class-based training and you’ll see all of this information in our advanced courses.

Why Online Excel Training Courses?

It’s a great thing that we create our own Excel training courses and exercise files because what we discovered was that students prefer to learn when they want and at their own pace! Even back then we knew that there had to be a better way than scheduling rooms, courses and trainers around holidays, sick days and long weekends. Read about our journey from a physical training centre business to an online training company.

As owners of our own Microsoft Excel Course Training workbooks, videos and exercise files – and with a low cost model of hosting and online support – we can provide ALL of our content for one low price (AND the option of LIFETIME course access). Best of all you get access to new material and updated content during your membership period.


* NEW Excel Training Course Content

Microsoft Excel Training Course can help you halve your mortgageThe property markets in most capital cities in Australia were running hot in 2015 and ordinary people are borrowing a lot of money to enter and stay in these property markets.

Microsoft Excel is a fantastic tool to help you learn how to save tens of thousands of dollars of your mortgage and reduce your loan by a decade or more. It’s one of the ways that we make Microsoft Excel useful and practical for everyone. Excel can be fun and useful as well as a great tool for businesses.

Save tens of thousands of dollars of your mortgage and reduce your loan by a decade or more

Goal Seek using Microsoft Excel

Goal Seek is an advanced topic that helps you input the variables that you know to help you find the information you need. After you master the basics you’ll be able to use the powerful features to get the decision making information you need from a software program as valuable and widely used as Microsoft Excel.

Learn about Goal Seeking in Microsoft Excel Training Course

Learn about Goal Seeking in Microsoft Excel Training Course


One price for all Microsoft Excel courses for each program-cropped

Excel training courses with 30 Day money back guaranteeSee the full list of topics covered see our

Microsoft Excel Course Outline.


Our Online Microsoft Excel Training Course Comes With the Assurance of A 30-Day Money Back Guarantee.

Enrol  Testimonials

The Excel screen including toolbars, formula bar, name box, column and row headings, sheet tabs, uses for Excel (Worksheet, Database & Charting).
Starts: 06/02/2025 09:30 am
Ends: 06/02/2026
246 Pacific Hwy
Crows Nest, NSW

Worksheets, Database & Charts. Selecting information: Understanding the mouse cursors used within Excel, how to select cells, columns and rows and multiple ranges of information, how to select cells using the keyboard. Copy and Paste: Drag and drop, cut, copy and paste in a worksheet and from one worksheet to another and even between different software programs. Editing cells: Typing and entering information, editing existing information and entering the changes, using the status bar information, escaping out of cells. Changing column width and row height for single and multiple columns as well as making all the columns the same width and using AutoFit. Database: Creating a simple database, understanding simple database structure (ideal knowledge for mail merge with Microsoft Word), Inserting and deleting columns, using Undo and redo options.

Starts: 04/02/2025 09:30 am
Ends: 04/02/2026
Duration: 12 hours:
246 Pacific Hwy
Crows Nest, NSW

Formulas: Entering formulas using the keyboard, arrow keys and the mouse, understand the importance of relative cells references, common formula errors, using multiplication and division and how to combine two formulas in one. AutoCalculate: Get quick additions and basic functions quickly without having to enter formulas. Functions: Introductions to functions and function syntax, Autosum, Autosum for several and selected ranges and an introductions to other basic functions like Maximum, Minimum, Average and more… Functions: Sum function in more detail, using the formula bar and editing functions, using the F2 key, using Autofill to save a lot of time copying (or filling) functions using relative cell references. Formatting: This effects the way your spreadsheet looks, everything from lines, colours, shading, and even the format of text and numbers. Topics include: Currency formatting, date and text formatting, merging cells and centering, Alignment formatting and text control within single and  merged cells, fill colour, font colour and Borders. Advanced formatting: Autoformats that allow you to quickly make your spreadsheet look very professional, repeat last action, and format painter make it faster for you to duplicate commands and formatting, using format painter with entire spreadsheets to apply multiple formatting in just a couple clicks.

Starts: 05/02/2025 09:30 am
Ends: 05/02/2026
Duration: 12 hours:
246 Pacific Hwy
Crows Nest, NSW